Friday, September 13, 2024

Book Blogger Hop - 9/13 -9/19


Question of the Week:

It's back-to-school time. What book would you recommend to students, whether it's an educational read or an enjoyable diversion from textbooks? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

My Answer:

I honestly don't have any specific book to recommend, but I would just tell students to choose a book that has a cover you like and the inside of the book might be something that you may be happy that you chose.

I ALWAYS let covers draw me in.  :)


  1. OOh that's good advice too! That's pretty much how I found books before blogging. I spent many hours at the bookstore going up and down the shelf pulling out almost every single book with a title or spine or cover that caught my eye!

    Here's my BBH

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. 😊

      LOVE covers!!

      Thanks for commenting, Jessica.

  2. An appealing cover can be tempting and just might be what it takes to get someone reading. :-) Have a great weekend, Elizabeth!

    1. I think a cover definitely will help.

      Thanks for commenting, Literary Feline.

  3. Covers always get my attention too. I then read the blurb and make a decision based on that.

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. Oh - definitely have to read what it is about, but that cover is a definite pull in.

      Thanks for stopping and commenting, Emily.
