Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Firefly Beach by Meira Pentermann

No more crunching numbers....only a serene life filled with painting and relaxing. That is what Beth thought she would find when she moved to Virginia Point Cove.

What she did find was many sad, lonely residents, a very unpleasant landlord, a jeweler who never spoke more than two words, a couple with a nosey wife, and a firefly that talked to her....yes a firefly. 

The firefly seemed to summon Beth with his wings and body turns.  He frightened Beth at first until she realized he must be trying to tell her something and to guide her to where a secret or unknown item may be.  

She was right, and what Beth was guided to was a diary of a young girl named Katherine who was the daughter of her landlord and who had disappeared thirty-six years ago.  As Beth began reading the diary, she became obsessed with finding Katherine.  She even used her painting talents to imagine what Katherine looked like. 
FIREFLY BEACH has a strong, passionate heroine that you would want for a friend, a town you that you would want to live in, a storyline that will keep you up late, a mystery that must be solved, and characters that are memorable,  loving,  and different.  

The characters also were an odd sort and pathetic in their own way, different, but quite remarkable.  Beth brought out the good in a few of the characters....a good that helped their lives become better.

I totally enjoyed this book and did stay up late reading.  
The author used flashbacks very effectively in order to keep the story flowing smoothly.  Her exceptional writing style pulled you in and kept up the intrigue.  

The book has an appealing, unique storyline with an ending that is heartwarming and one that is kept secret until the very last pages.  It was a plot with a different twist. 

The descriptions and detail were superb.  

These words truly describe the story and the characters:  incredible, outstanding, dazzling, marvelous, and touching.

You will love it.  

A huge firefly rating of 5/5. ENJOY!!! *

 Disclosure of Material Connection: I am a member of Reading Addiction Blog Tours and a copy of this book was provided to me by the author. Although payment may have been received by Reading Addiction Blog Tours, no payment was received by me in exchange for this review. There was no obligation to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are entirely my own and may not necessarily agree with those of the author, publisher, publicist, or readers of this review. This disclosure is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255, Guides Concerning Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising

Author Bio
On slow, snowy days in her Colorado home, Meira Pentermann enjoys cozying up on the couch with a novel. Naturally, snow is not a requirement; neither is the couch. In fact, she sees no reason not to indulge in reading three-hundred-and-sixty-five days a year. Apocalyptic science fiction, mysteries, and young adult titles top her Kindle list, but legal thrillers and chik-lit make an appearance now and then.

When not absorbed in writing or reading, Meira enjoys life’s little moments with her family – the love and devotion of her black lab, the quiet wisdom of her artistic twenty-one-year-old, the trials and triumphs of her petite sixth grader, and the unlimited encouragement offered by her Dutch husband.

Meira strives to write stories that deliver the unexpected. She prefers down-to-earth characters that look and behave like regular folks. The prom queen and Adonis take a backseat to reclusive, soul-searching heroines and quirky, introverted gentlemen. 

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  1. I hope you get to read this book.

  2. Thank you, Elizabeth! I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed the story!

  3. Oh, I love a books with a good twist at the very end! Thanks.

    1. ENJOY when you read it, Davida.

      Thanks for commenting.
