Sunday, December 31, 2017


This was difficult because I LOVED all of my books even if they aren't listed.

My top four are in the picture.  :) 

All books have been reviewed on my blog except A Dangerous Crossing.  It will be reviewed on my blog on January 12.

Happy Reading in 2018!!
  1. The Almost Sisters
  2. The Baker's Secret
  3. Dangerous Crossing
  4. Before The Rain Falls
  5. The Night the Lights Went Out
  6. The Orphan's Tale
  7. Love and Other Consolation Prizes
  8. The Paris Secret
  9. The It Girls
  10. The Widow of Wall Street
  11. Love Alice
  12. The Widow's House
  13. A Bridge Across the Ocean
  14. The Bookshop at Water's End
  15. The Wildling Sisters
  16. The Trust
  17. Where The Wild Cherries Grow

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Happy New Year!!

Image Credit - Words With Friends

Wishing you health, happiness, and a year of wonderful books to read. 📚

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Christmas Around The World

What country do you celebrate Christmas in?

I live in the USA.   🇺🇸

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Goodreads Year in Review

Have you seen this on Goodreads?  Apparently they have it every year.   :)

I never noticed it until this year.  :)

Have fun looking for your YEAR IN REVIEW.  :)

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Giveaway and Spotlight of House on the Forgotten Coast by Ruth Coe Chambers

All information in this post is courtesy of Serena Agusto-Cox.
House on the Forgotten Coast by Ruth Coe Chambers published by She Writes Press in September 2017.
This book looks so good...I wish I had time to read it.  Perhaps later.
Giveaway link at the bottom of the post.  Good Luck!!
About the Book:
Like a monarch surveying her domain, the house has stood for over a hundred years in the fishing village of Apalachicola on Florida’s northwest coast. She has known life. She has known passionate love. She has known brutal death. But she has guarded her secrets well . . .
Then eighteen-year-old Elise Foster and her parents arrive from Atlanta in their silver Jaguar, bringing with them their own secrets and desires.
Seeking friendship in their new community, they find instead that the townspeople resent their intrusion. But this intrusion on the house’s privacy also provides a pathway for the past and the present to merge—and for the truth behind an unsolved murder to finally be brought to light. As you strive to solve the mystery, you and the Fosters are forced to address two critical questions: What is real? What is delusion?
About the Author:
Ruth Coe Chambers takes pride in her Florida panhandle roots and her hometown of Port St. Joe has inspired much of her writing.

She is indebted to the creative writing classes at the University of South Florida where she found her “voice” and began writing literary fiction. Listed in the Who’s Who of American Women. She has recently republished one novel, and published it’s sequel, and has written two award-winning plays. She is currently working on the third novel in her Bay Harbor Trilogy. She has two daughters and lives with her husband and one very spoiled Cairn terrier in Neptune Beach, Florida.

Her two earlier novels include The Chinaberry Album and Heat Lightening
Blog Tour Schedule:

Nov. 16: Bookfan Mary (Spotlight/Giveaway) Nov. 20: I’d Rather Be at the Beach (Review) Dec. 1: Book Nerd Native (Review)
Dec. 8: All Roads Lead to the Kitchen (Review)
Dec. 13: Silver’s Reviews (Spotlight/Giveaway)
Dec. 15: Readaholic Zone (Review)
Dec. 20: 100 pgs. A Day .. Stephanie’s Book Reviews (Review)
Dec. 28: Broken Teepee (Review)
Dec. 29: Book Nerd Native (Guest Post/Giveaway)
Jan. 3: Wall-to-Wall Books (Review)
Jan. 8: Svetlana Reads and Views (Review)
Jan. 13: Jorie Loves A Story (Review)
Jan. 18: Erica Robyn Reads (Review)

Follow the blog tour with the hashtag #RuthCoeChambers

I am partnering with the author and Serena Agusto-Cox for this giveaway.


December 13-20
Enter here

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


Any snow for you yet?

We have a dusting so far, but it is very cold.


Monday, December 11, 2017

Sunday Silence by Nicci French

What a FANTASTIC read!!

This is my first Nicci French book - WOW!!  

Loving it.

I am almost done.

Have you read Nicci French?   

Why didn't you tell me about these books?  

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Which Do YOU Choose?

My choice is the LIBRARY!!

Saturday, December 9, 2017

What's in YOUR Stockings?

The stockings I stuff are quite different from what they were 20+ years ago.

Now the stockings are gift certificates instead of fun "kid" stuff.

What about yours?

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Wondress Words Wednesday - 12/6/2017

I usually do not post unfamiliar words I find in books, but this word just stood out.  

The spelling caught my eye so I decided to share.

The word:  UXORIOUS

The meaning is:  having or showing an excessive or submissive fondness for one's wife.

A bit of an odd word don't you think?

I found this unusual word in a book that I am LOVING.  DANGEROUS CROSSING by Rachel Rhys.

The word was found on Page 259 in this sentence:  "There's nothing more attractive to a certain type of woman than an uxorious man." 

I don't agree with that sentence, do you?

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Dangerous Crossing - Have you read it?

Has anyone read this book, or are you planning to read it?

I am loving it.

I have never heard of this author under either names, but Rachel Rhys also writes psychological thrillers as Tammy Cohen.

My review will be in January.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Christmas Cookies

Are you planning to bake anything today?
I may make some Russian Tea Cakes.
I can never make those gorgeous iced cookies - can you?

I actually still didn't make the cookies, but I made chicken soup instead.  :)


Friday, December 1, 2017

Challenge - December 1 - WISH LIST


Simply submit a photo that matches with the daily prompt.  

I am going to try to gear mine toward books, but not sure that will happen every day.


Tamara @ Traveling with T is the originator of this fun as well as Helen of My Novel Opinion.

Their handles where you will find all the fun on Instagram are:  @rockstar1023 and @mynovelopinion.

For YEAR-ROUND fun, you can join


PLEASE REMEMBER:  This is NOT my creativity.  

It is Instagram's @rockstar1023 and Instagram's @mynovelopinion who put it together and these other Instagram folks.

#Instawithbooks #cozyupwithbooks


They gave me permission to share this with everyone.  

Joining in on Instagram will be ideal, but you can post it on your blog too. 

Please give credit to Tamara and Helen for their creativity wherever you post please.


WISH LIST is the prompt for the day.  

Two books on MY Wish List are below:

What's on your wish list?