Friday, January 17, 2025

Book Blogger Hop - 1/17 - 1/23


Question of the Week:

Have you participated in Sheila's FIRST BOOK OF THE YEAR?

Sheila's Blog:    (

(submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Review)

My Answer:

Absolutely - I love her annual event.

I am sure she will still take entries.

But....if you didn't do it this year, think about it for next year.

It is a really fun thing to do and to see what everyone is reading.


  1. I did not know what this was until today! I was actually sick in bed the first few days of the new year so I forgot to double check on this post. I might try doing it next year if I remember! Sounds like fun!

    Here's my BBH

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. You can still add your book. Just send her your first book of the year, and she will put you in the collage.

      Glad you are feeling better.

      Thanks for your comment, Jessica.

  2. I hadn't heard about it before, but it looks fun!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. It is fun to see what everyone chose for the first book of the year.

      Thanks for commenting, Emily.

  3. I didn't participate this year, but I have in years past. It's always fun to do! I even made my daughter and husband participate a couple years--and my mom one year. I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Great your husband and daughter participated too.

      It is fun.

      Thanks for your comment, Literary Feline.
