Thursday, April 16, 2015

Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun - 4/17/15

Feeling Beachie 

Love this meme....I hope you can join in the fun.  

Each week, Feeling Beachie lists four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs.  

The statements: 
  1. If I _______________I'd change ____________
  2. I'd rather __________ somewhere than ___________
  3. Seeing_____ makes me_______.
  4. Could you still______ after___
My Answers:
1.  If I could read faster, I'd change a lot in my life.

2.  I'd rather read somewhere than go to a movie.

3.  Seeing shelves and shelves of books makes me happy.

4.  Could you still read a book after you heard bad things about it?


  1. Happy Friday!!

    Love the Fill In Friday Post. Interesting answers always show up.

  2. I have read books that other people have disliked and even enjoyed them. Different strokes for different folks.

    1. Exactly...we all like different things.

      Thanks for stopping, retired not tired.

  3. Smiling here.

    I try to make them bookish each week, but it doesn't always work out. This week was GREAT!!

    Thanks for stopping, Vicki.

  4. Yes, I would read a book after I heard bad things about a book… after all books are like food - we all have different tastes

    1. True....I would check it out and see what I thought. :)

      Thanks for stopping, Hilary.
