Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The Way of Beauty by Camille Di Maio

Vera Keller was in love with Angelo since she scraped her knee as a child and fell in front of his newspaper stand.

Vera thought she would one day be his wife, but realized that her station in life most likely would prevent that from happening.  Her father worked as a Sandhog with men that built the underground train tunnels, and her mother worked in a garment factory.  Both jobs ruined her parents' health and their lives. 

Vera grew up, and when she was seventeen, she thought meeting Angelo at their appointed time was going to be it.  He was going to ask her to marry him, right?  Unfortunately, that didn't happen.  He introduced Vera to his fiancee.

The good news, though, was that Pearl was a Suffragette, and she wanted Vera to help her.  Being able to help Pearl would allow her to be close to Angelo.  It was very difficult, though. Her heart ached every time Angelo smiled at her, but then Vera found out something that changed everything.

THE WAY OF BEAUTY is a beautiful book about love, family, Suffragettes, the building of Penn Station in New York and has characters you will fall in love with. 

Vera was my favorite simply because of her innocence, goodness, perseverance with dealing with the trials she had to deal with as a woman at this time in both her personal life and public life.

Ms. Di Maio has written another amazing, warm, heartfelt, well-researched, detailed book, that takes you with the characters on their journey and into their lives.

All of Ms. Di Maio’s books warm your heart and allow you to feel her passion about causes and the human race. 

THE WAY OF BEAUTY is a MUST read.  You won't be able to experience all the emotions that are inside unless you read it.

As for the title, it has the perfect word in it...BEAUTY.  The book is a beautiful tribute to mankind, love, caring, and living a good life. 5/5

This book was given to me free of charge and without compensation by NetGalley and the author in return for an honest review.


  1. I hope you enjoy this boook too if you read it.

    Thanks for stopping.

  2. Wow! I can’t wait to read this!

    1. I hope you love it too.

      Thanks for commenting, recca.

  3. I like that time period and setting.

    1. Me too on the time period and setting.

      Thanks for commenting, Kathy.

  4. I do love the sound of this one. Thanks for the review!

    1. I think you will like it, Laurel.

      Thanks for commenting.

  5. Definitely an era I like to read about. Sounds lovely. Nice review, Elizabeth.

    1. I enjoy this era too.

      Thanks for commenting, Mary.

  6. Elizabeth, this sounds so interesting and I enjoyed reading your enthusiastic review. I'd love to learn more about the building of Penn Station.

    1. It was an amazing read, and I loved learning about Penn Station.

      Thanks for commenting, Suko.

  7. This sounds like a wonderful read. I love books set back in time where you can learn about the era as well as the protagonist's life. And the characters in this book sound truly interesting. One for my stack.

    1. It is a marvelous trip back.

      Thanks for commenting, Elizabeth.

  8. Sounds like you really enjoyed this one. it's an interesting time period for sure.

  9. Can't wait to read this. Really liked Before the Rain Falls.

    1. Oh yes...Before The Rain Falls was FAB.

      This book is wonderful too.

      ENJOY when you read it, and thanks for commenting, Lloyd.

  10. Now that's a tantalising review! Sounds good.

    1. The book was definitely amazing.

      Thanks for commenting, Carol.

  11. her books.

    Thanks for your comment, Vicki.
