Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Let Me Lie by Clare Mackintosh

Both parents committing suicide at the same exact spot seven months apart seemed a bit strange.  Anna extremely missed both her parents but didn't know how much until a horrible reminder arrived in the mail.

This horrible reminder had Anna rethinking the possibility that her parents really didn't commit suicide but had been murdered.  She never thought her parents would kill themselves and leave her without them.

Anna asked for the case to be reopened, and a retired policeman, Murray, was taking on the job.

No one knew Anna had asked for this case to be re-opened, but it sure seemed as if they did.  Strange things started happening that even her husband dismissed.  Was she in danger too?

Meanwhile we have another voice being heard in the book.  The voice is the voice of Anna's mother watching Anna and being elated that she has a grandchild and also not very happy that Anna was digging into papers that might put Anna in danger depending upon what she would find. 

Anna’s mother does some odd things like going into the house when it is empty and looking for things and specifically a key.  What could the key be, why is it important to her, and how is she in the house if she is dead?

After this, the intrigue began...secrets were being revealed, impossible things happening, ghosts, seeing things that couldn't be there, feeling her mother’s presence, and the reader wondering what Anna’s mother was looking for and what she was trying to protect Anna from or protect herself from.

LET ME LIE has GREAT twists and is another Clare Mackintosh book you won't want to miss. You won't see them coming and ask yourself how you missed them.

The tension at the end makes this one her best yet.  5/5

This book was given to me free of charge by the publisher and NetGalley in return for an honest review.


  1. If you have enjoyed Clare's other books, you are going to love this one

    Thanks for stopping.

  2. I have all her books on my TBR list and hopefully one day be able to binge read them.

    1. I think you will like them, Cheryl.

      Thanks for commenting.

  3. Wow, it sounds like Anna went through a lot. This sounds like a page turner!

    1. It is very good.

      Thanks for commenting, Kathy.

  4. I've never read this author. But this one looks like a good place to start.

    1. You would like the first one, but the second one wasn't that great...a bit confusing.

      Let us know if you read one and how you like it.

      Thanks for commenting, Lloyd.

  5. This sounds very suspenseful but also confusing. Glad you loved it though.

    1. It was good. It isn’t as confusing as her second book. :)

      Thanks for commenting, Laura.

  6. Ooh sounds vey twisty and a little dark and ghostly Good read huh!

    1. Oh described it well. :)

      ENJOY if you read it, Kathryn, and thanks for commenting.

  7. Great review....I've been waiting for this book...well, it seems like forever! I finally have it, and once I've finished a couple more ARCs, I might be able to get to it.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Laurel. Always nice to hear compliments from you.

      ENJOY when you read the book, and thanks for commenting.

  8. I'm looking forward to this book after enjoying her previous novels. Thanks for sharing, Elizabeth!

    1. It is a good one.

      Thanks for commenting, Mary.

  9. This sounds very suspenseful! Great review!

    1. Thank you, Suko. I appreciate your compliments.

      Thanks for commenting.

  10. Great review! I've enjoyed all her books. Looking forward to the next one already!

    1. Thank you, Book of Secrets.

      It was very good.

      Thanks for commenting.

  11. Need to look into this further. Thanks!

    1. Her books are always good.

      This is my favorite of hers.

      Thanks for commenting, Carole.
